inbound tour中文什么意思

发音:   用"inbound tour"造句
  • inbound:    adj. (船舶)开回本国的;归航的 ...
  • tour:    n. 漫游,游览,周游;旅行;(剧团 ...
  • be on a tour:    作巡回演出
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  1. Tourism & hospitality * china cyts tours holding 600138 . ss nr china cyts ' s main businesses include inbound tours , outbound and domestic tours
  2. In this case , internal travel , is it grow vigorously to travel abroad , form travel abroad , inbound tour , situation that internal travel stand like the legs of a tripod
  3. Wah tung travel service sdn bhd is introducing the new inbound department , promoting all sarawak inbound tours and packages . this new department is still under the process of development . more new packages will available shortly
  4. Like many professions that regard training and continual development as a must to enhance and secure professionalism among practitioners , the skills upgrading scheme for inbound tour guides was launched last year , in which the icac training course is incorporated in its module
    旅游业亦不例外,去年为本地导游举办技能提升计划" skills upgrading scheme " ,并采纳廉署的防贪讲座为课程内容之一。
  5. Last but not the least , for the sake of service quality of inbound tour guides , i think the administration should give support to organizing training courses for inbound tour guides in order to enhance their service quality and professionalism , similar to the practice for outbound tour escorts


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